Writers' Corner

Lead by the Gr 12 Writer's Craft class at HC, here are some creative writing excerpts
from our current and future Raiders

The Phoenix Who Wields a Sword

Written by: Jackson Roper, Gr. 7 student, St. Alfred’s Catholic Elementary
Edited by: Hunter Stull, Gr. 12 Writer’s Craft

The cold rain splashed on Karma’s cheek while he patrolled Tokyo, trying to find demons, but the neon billboards were blinding. He sees his friend Draken, who is normally known as the speedster. Suddenly, five terrifying demons emerge from the darkness and attack Karma.

The White House Smackdown

Written by: Jade Gracia, Gr. 7 St. Alfred’s Catholic Elementary
Edited by: Hunter Stull, Gr. 12 Writer’s Craft
May 2nd, 2023. It was a cold and rainy day in the city of Washington, D.C. The Rock was on his way to the White House to meet his long lost brother, the President of the United States of America.

My Sister…My Teacher

Written by: Caitlynn MacDonald, Gr. 7 student, St. Alfred’s Catholic Elementary
Edited by: Brice Marshall, Gr. 12 Writer’s Craft
Most of the time, we are on our Chromebooks which are rough as a brick and smell like plastic. I hear other people clicking the keys furiously, like I am right now. I'm as busy as a bee doing my work. I love school a little more this year, until one terrible day, Tuesday, Oct 3rd.

This I Can Promise

Written by: Sophie Ingram, Gr. 7 student, St. Alfred’s Catholic Elementary
Edited by: Payton Hendriks, Gr. 12 Writer’s Craft

Marriage is the most beautiful thing.
For a man and a woman to meet,

The Mysterious Death of Faye Bryers

Written by: Lily Frewing, Gr. 7 student, St. Alfred’s Catholic Elementary
Edited by: Fay Onyegbule, Gr. 12 Writer’s Craft

The Olympics were in 2 years and she was paralyzed from the neck down. The things that meant the world to her less than 2 years ago now meant nothing. Little did she know that she’d be able to go home very soon. She tried to get excited, but she definitely was not as motivated as before. 

A New Friend

Written by: Andriena Gotera, Gr. 7 student, St. Alfred’s Catholic Elementary
Edited by: Paige Nowak and Bailey Bundus, Gr. 12 Writer’s Craft

Isabella is running towards the flower field as she promised Leslie she would meet him there after school. As she got nearer, she could hear him strumming his guitar, and a sense of dėjà vu washed over her as she remembered the first time they met.

Lost in the Mall

Written by: Asana Stewart, Gr. 7 student, St. Alfred’s Catholic Elementary
Edited by: Yara Salim, Gr. 12 Writer’s Craft

One hot summer day in Miami, Lily and her friend Layla went to the mall. Layla has been her best friend since they were 5 years old. They made promises to each other to be best friends forever. At the mall, they were looking around, when they finally found Clare’s.

The Cat Who Likes To Travel

Written by:Strawvherie, Gr. 7 student, St. Alfred’s Catjolic Elementary
Edited by: Julia Munera, Gr. 12 Writer’s Craft
The cold rain splashed on Karma’s cheek while he patrolled Tokyo, trying to find demons, but the neon billboards were blinding. He sees his friend Draken, who is normally known as the speedster. Suddenly, five terrifying demons emerge from the darkness and attack Karma.